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Fellow Canadian glial researchers, 


Over the years, we have had discussions regarding the lack of an official glial research network in Canada. As such, we are working to establish such a network (similar to Euroglia), called the Canadian Association of Neuroscientists who study Glia (CANGlia), with the goal to have regular online webinars and a larger scale meeting every two years. To launch this network and program, we held an inaugural event on May 31st, 2024, in Ottawa, Canada, that included a 1-day symposium focused on glial biology open to Canadian glial biologists across backgrounds and all levels of training. We were fortunate in obtaining funding for this event from several sources, including the Gairdner and Azrieli Foundations. Our goal is to bring together Canadian glial researchers from trainees to PIs to highlight the diversity of our researchers, our newest findings, leading-edge methodologies (e.g. glial specific-omics, human 3D culture models, and ultrastructural analyses) and encourage data sharing, networking, and teambuilding among research groups.


We will be including more information shortly; however, we hope that you and your trainees will save the date and consider joining us for our next meeting scheduled for May 20th, 2025 as a CAN Satellite event. Please feel free to share this information with other glial researchers in your network. 


We look forward to building this together! 


The CANGlia steering committee: 


Natalina Salmaso (Carleton University)  

Baptiste Lacoste (University of Ottawa) 

Marie-Eve Tremblay (University of Victoria) 

Maryam Faiz (University of Toronto) 






CANGlia 2024 Group, Inaugural Meeting, Ottawa, Canada

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